Wednesday 17 December 2014


I once read somewhere that sometimes all you need to do is to take a pen, a paper and bleed” and today like millions of people out there I am bleeding through my writing. I can’t stop this urge to write and pour my heart out. It won’t make a difference to the affected families, it won’t bring those martyrs back, it won’t remove yesterday from our memory and yes, it won’t change the minds of those creatures who slaughtered humanity. But apart from my prayers for those families, this is my vengeance. An extension of my feelings.

The day must have started normally for those kids. Waking up and leaving their warm cozy beds, with moms stuffing food and kids fighting big yawns, with vans waiting outside and friends waiting to meet each other. This is how a normal day begins for a school going kid. Little did they know that this day will become the worst humanity has seen so far. That their classes and benches will become their hostage, their auditorium will become their slaughterhouse. The shining smiling morning sun will bleed with grief as it sets down. 

Hearing chattering, laughter, playful shouts and endless enthusiastic discussions is normal to hear in a school. But the sound of bombs? Gunshots? Screams of friends? Best friends? Your own siblings! The horror in every eye a reflection of other? Maybe some of them were holding hands as they embraced Shahadat. Maybe some of them still had a ghost of smile on their faces from the last joke cracked. If my heart can bleed thinking about all the “maybes” I cannot even imagine the "what ifs" crossing the minds of their parents.  What if I dint wake up my kid for school? What if the alarm somehow couldn't work in the morning? What if I had picked them up earlier from school? What if I never sent my kid to this particular school? Those guns killed their kids. But it’s the what ifs that will kill their parents.

Belonging from military background I can see myself in those kids. I can see my school and its building in that school. I see navy blue sweaters instead of green ones. It could have been me few years ago, It could have been you. These “creatures” have attacked our HEART. They have stomped on our jugular vein. But know what? These kids you killed yesterday will be a testimony against you on the Day of Judgment. They will tell Allah each and every place where you hit them and where it had hurt. Ticket to Jannah? I wonder even if Jahannum will accept you! These kids were raised by men of steel. They were raised by countrymen. They were raised by Army dads. They take bullets with grace. You asked them before shooting “your father is in Army right? Take that” oh I wish I could see the pride in their eyes when they said YES.

Now coming to the main purpose of writing this note. Addressing all those very “innocent” people out there who are presenting their sympathies saying we grief on the horrific incident where Extremist Muslims killed innocent students. Where they are questioning Islamic teaching. Where students were killed for going to school. Those who are leaping on grasping this opportunity to blame ISLAM and its teachings. 
Know what? Allah SWT did not even allow His MOST BELOVED Prophet (PBUH) to raise sword on this enemies for 13 YEARS! For patience, tolerance and kindness are far more beloved in the Eyes of Allah than war, terror, violence and bloodshed. How can you raise a finger at Islam? When Allah SWT says in the Quran:

“If any one slew a person – unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land – it would be as if he slew the whole humanity” Al Quran (5:32)

 How dare you raise a finger at our religion when camps like Guantanamo Bay are running in your country where human beings are treated worse than animals? Why are you so silent about this place that is run by your very own government? Before pointing at us, make sure your hands are clean. 

Guantánamo, G-bay or GTMO, is a United States military prison located within Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, which fronts on Guantánamo Bay in Cuba.

Islam is the religion of Peace and Love. It’s the very first religion that gave women rights of heritage. Right of a LIFE. It is the very religion that lays Heaven under the feet of a mother. Islam is the religion where humans have rights over each other. Where a person cannot be claimed as a Muslim if his neighbor is not preserved from his evil. Where he is cursed if his neighbor sleeps with an empty stomach. It is the only religion which made it COMPULSORY to take a slack out of your earnings every year and give it to the poor and needy ones. Islam is that beautiful religion where you greet each other with Salaam. (May PEACE be on you)

How dare you criticize Islam just because people who are following it aren't perfect? Just because these barbaric creatures grow a beard, recite something in Arabic? That makes them a Muslim? Well I pity your limited knowledge! A Muslim is much more than just a beard. It’s a beloved Sunnah, it is a PART of ISLAM, but it is NOT ISLAM. Get your facts straight for once. We aren't terrorists but we are also a victim of it. Terrorism has no religion. A Christian, a Hindu, a Buddhist, a Sikh anyone can be a terrorist. STOP ASSOCIATING IT WITH ISLAM AND MUSLIMS!

Seeing the unity all over social media and on television, seeing heartfelt emotions regarding this incident, I can say that this incident isn't like many others. This one is going to leave an impact. These stories are here to stay. The courage of these kids won’t be wasted, the cries of these mothers won’t be unheard, our prayers won’t be left unanswered.
Pakistani students recite from holy book 'Quran' during a praying ceremony for the victims
May Allah SWT grant us all the ability to cope up with this loss.  May He guide us all to the Right Path. And before having a better Government, better Judicial courts, better parliaments and better security plans I pray with all my heart that we become better Muslims. Ameen Sum’Ameen!

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